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#401 : Traqué

Titre original:"Showdown"
Réalisé par : John F. Showalter
Ecrit par : David Amann

Résumé : L'épisode suit le dernier de la saison 3. Jack, Sam et Danny partent à la recherche du mercenaire qui a réussi à s'échapper après avoir tué le terroriste dans la voiture de Danny et Martin, laissant Martin grièvement blessé.

Audiences françaises (1ère diffusion) : 4,7 millions de téléspectateurs


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Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) blessé

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) blessé

L'agent Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) arme au poing

L'agent Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) arme au poing

Samantha Spade (Poppy Montgomery) observe la voiture criblée de balle

Samantha Spade (Poppy Montgomery) observe la voiture criblée de balle

Danny tente de venir en aide à l'homme blessé

Danny tente de venir en aide à l'homme blessé

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) assis aux côtés de Martin inconscient

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) assis aux côtés de Martin inconscient

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) et son chef Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia)

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) et son chef Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia)

Scène de l'épisode

Scène de l'épisode

Scène de l'épisode

Scène de l'épisode

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano)

Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano)

Jack discute avec son collègue Danny Taylor

Jack discute avec son collègue Danny Taylor

Les agents Taylor et Malone travaillent ensemble pour résoudre l'affaire

Les agents Taylor et Malone travaillent ensemble pour résoudre l'affaire

Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia)

Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia)

Jack Malone arrive sur les lieux de l'accident

Jack Malone arrive sur les lieux de l'accident

Jack Malone, chef de l'équipe

Jack Malone, chef de l'équipe

Martin enquête et cherche des indices dans la voiture

Martin enquête et cherche des indices dans la voiture

Eric Close joue l'agent Martin Fitzgerald

Eric Close joue l'agent Martin Fitzgerald

L'agent Taylor (Enrique Murciano) blessé à la tête

L'agent Taylor (Enrique Murciano) blessé à la tête

Plus de détails

Alors que Martin et Danny effectuent le transfert d’Adisa, un terroriste, ils se font tirer dessus par deux hommes descendants d’un van bleu.

Adisa réussit à sortir de la voiture mais se fait abattre. L’un des deux hommes est Émile Dornvald. L’homme qui était chargé de la sécurité de la cible de l’attenta, le général Gamba.
Dans la voiture, Martin est inconscient, Danny reprend ses esprits et sort de la voiture pour arrêter les deux tireurs. Il réussit à en avoir un, mais Dornvald s’échappe. Danny retourne à la voiture, il découvre que Martin a été touché par une balle. Il est très mal en point.

Jack arrive sur les lieux. Les secours sont déjà là. Une ambulancière emmène Martin dans un hôpital, pendant que Danny explique à Jack ce qui s’est passé. Il est visiblement choqué. Jack lui demande de partir avec l’ambulance pour se faire soigner.
D’autres ambulanciers s’occupent du tireur. Jack essaye de lui tirer des informations sur l’endroit où se trouve Dornvald, mais la seule chose qu’il lui dit c’est "Valhalla". Sam arrive à son tour. Jack lui explique la situation. Il lui demande de retourner au bureau pour commencer les recherches sur Dornvald. Il lui demande aussi de chercher des choses sur « Valhalla » et de mettre Paige Hobson en sécurité. Comme Paige Hobson a tué le général Gamba, Jack pense que Dornvald pourrait vouloir se venger.

A l’hôpital, Danny se fait examiner, pendant que d’autres médecins s’occupent de Martin. Ils conduisent Martin dans un bloc pour l’opérer.
Sam appelle Danny pour avoir des nouvelles de Martin. Il la rassure en lui disant que les médecins l’ont emmené au bloc, mais qu’ils sont confiants. De son côté, elle lui annonce que le tireur qui a été blessé est mort dans l’ambulance.

Jack est au consulat du Makéba. Il essaye d’interroger le consul, Isaiah Nuru. Ce dernier ignore où se trouve Dornvald. Il assure que Dornvald a agi tout seul. Il lui donne le nom de l’hôtel où séjournait Dornvald.

Sam interroge Paige, pour savoir si elle sait des choses sur Dornvald. Elle ne sait rien. Sam lui annonce la mort d’Adisa. En sortant de la salle, Sam rencontre le père de Martin, Victor. Il pense pouvoir être utile dans l’enquête.

Dans la chambre d’hôtel de Dornvald, Jack trouve une photo d’une jeune femme noir sur un bateau. Le concierge de l’hôtel, Owen, entre dans la chambre pour répondre aux questions de Jack. Il lui dit que ça fait une semaine qu’il n’a pas vu Dornvald. La seule chose qu’il peut lui dire c’est que quelques jours plus tôt, Dornvald était venu le voir pour lui demander de la compagnie féminine. Owen lui a présenté une jeune femme, Lila Greene. Alors qu’il quitte l’hôtel, Jack rencontre Danny. Il vient de sortir de l’hôpital. Il vient aider pour l’enquête.
Ils se rendent chez Lila pour l’interroger. Mais une fois sur place, il trouve une jeune femme morte. Ce n’est pas Lila, c’est sa colocataire. Danny est allé demandé au portier s’il avait vu quelqu’un sortir de la chambre. Il a décrit un homme qui correspond à Dornvald. Il serait passé juste avant l’embuscade. Il est sorti avec une mallette en métal. La colocataire de Lila, Mélanie, a dû le surprendre. C’est pour ça qu’il l’a tuée.
Lila arrive. Elle est surprise de voir des gens dans sa chambre, puis découvre ce qui est arrivé à Mélanie. Danny la fait sortir de la pièce pour qu’elle se calme. Puis il l’interroge avec Jack.
Elle reconnaît Dornvald. Il lui avait dit qu’il s’appelait Edward Drake. Elle leur explique qu’il avait laissé sa mallette dans chez elle parce qu’il ne voulait pas la laisser à l’hôtel. Il ne s’est jamais beaucoup confié à elle. Il lui avait juste dit qu’il pensait arrêter son travail, qu’ensuite il voulait s’installer dans un endroit où il avait travaillé quelques années plus tôt.

Au bureau, Sam a fait des recherches sur "Valhalla". Elle n’a rien trouvé dans la vie de Dornvald qui y faisait référence. Elle sait juste que ça signifie le paradis des guerriers. Elle a aussi trouvé que Dornvald a travaillé dans neuf pays différents c’est dernières années. Grâce à la photo qu’il a trouvé dans la chambre de Dornvald, Jack pense qu’il veut aller dans un endroit près d’une côte. Ce qui réduit la liste. Dornvald a du partir dans la région d’Asie du sud-est. Jack lui demande de chercher les billets d’avions qui ont été acheté dans les dernières heures pour cette destination. Elle en trouve un acheté par un certain Edward Drake pour Bangkok, c’est le nom qu’il avait donné à Lila.

Jack va voir Victor. Il lui explique qu’il veut prendre part à l’enquête. Il lui présente un homme travaillant pour la sécurité intérieure. Ce dernier demande à Jack de ne pas embêter Nuru pour garder le Makéba de leur côté. Nuru leur a proposé de les aider à trouver Dornvald en échange de Paige.
Un fois sorti du bureau, Jack retourne voir Sam et Danny pour leur demander de faire des recherches sur Nuru. Ils lui apprennent ce qu’ils savent à propos du billet d’avion. Mais ils ont découvert que Dornvald n’avait pas pris cet avion.
Danny vient de recevoir un appel. Des coups de feu ont été tirés dans une rue.  Un van bleu, comme celui avec lequel est parti Dornvald, y a été retroué. Il s’y rend avec Jack. Une fois sur place, ils découvrent le van. C’est bien celui de Dornvald. Visiblement quelqu’un d’autre lui en veut, parce qu’il y a des traces de balles sur la carrosserie. Il y a aussi du sang dans le van. Dornvald a du être touché.
Danny et Jack se rendent dans un dispensaire qui se trouve juste à côté. Une fois sur place, ils découvrent qu’un médecin, le Dr Klein a disparu depuis une vingtaine de minutes. Jack et Danny leur demandent d’évacuer le dispensaire. Ils cherchent Dornvald dans les différentes salles d’examen. Ils le trouvent enfin dans une salle, il est armé. Il leur tire dessus. Danny réplique, manquant de tuer le médecin. Dornvald réussit à s’échapper par une porte de derrière. Jack demande à Danny de retourner au bureau, puis il va interroger le médecin. Elle lui explique que Dornvald est arrivé blessé par balle. Pendant qu’elle le soignait, il a reçu un appel. Il a dit a son correspondant qu’il s’était fait tiré dessus alors qu’il allait chercher son argent. Il lui a demandé l’argent qu'il lui devait pour avoir fait payé quelqu’un. Elle ne sait pas à qui il parlait.

Au bureau, un agent a trouvé la marque du bateau qu’il y a sur la photo. Sam va chercher les noms des propriétaires de ces bateaux. Avant elle appelle l’hôpital pour avoir des nouvelles de Martin, mais personne ne veut lui dire comment il va. Danny arrive, il essaye de la réconforter, mais elle le repousse.

Jack retourne voir Nuru. Il l’accuse d’avoir payé Dornvald pour qu’il tue Adisa. Mais il nit tout. En partant, il lui dit que l’un comme l’autre, ils obtiendront chacun justice.

Au bureau, Sam surprend Paige en train de se faire emmener hors du bâtiment. C’est elle qui a accepté, pour que Dornvald soit retrouvé.
Jack va voir Victor pour lui dire ce qu’il sait, que c’est Nuru qui a engagé Dornvald pour qu’il tue Adisa. Mais Victor lui dit que tout ce qu’il veut c’est que Dornvald paye.
Une fois sorti de son bureau, Jack demande à Sam de chercher si Nuru a de la famille aux Etats-Unis. Car il pense que Dornvald va s’attaquer à la famille de Nuru pour avoir son argent, comme il l’a fait pour Paige. Danny vient de découvrir qu’un des bateaux de la marque de celui de la photo s’appelle le Valhalla.
Sam a trouvé que le fils de Nuru, William, est aux Etats-Unis. En appelant chez lui elle apprend qu’il a pris un car pour rendre visite à son père. Il devrait être en train d’arriver. On lui dit qu’un homme de l’ambassade a déjà appelé.
Jack et Danny arrivent à la gare routière. Le care de William est déjà là depuis quelques minutes. Alors que Jack part dans la gare pour chercher William et Dornvald, Danny et d’autres hommes contrôlent les sortis. Jack aperçoit Dornvald tenant William. Il les suit jusqu’au parking. Mais il se fait remarqué en laissant la porte se claquer. Dornvald lui demande de lâcher son arme sinon il tue William. Jack lui fait croire qu’il lâche son arme en lançant autre chose. Et il lui tire dessus. Dornvald est au sol, mais encore armé. Il refuse de lâcher son arme et le pointe sur Jack, ce dernier lui tire dessus.

De retour au bureau, Jack va voir Victor. Nuru a fuit le pays. Jack lui demande Paige. Victor lui dit qu’elle sera ramenée. En partant Victor lui donne des nouvelles de Martin. Le pronostique vital est meilleur. Les médecins sont optimistes.

A l’hôpital, Sam est aux chevets de Martin. Elle lui promet de rester à ses côtés jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit sûre qu’il aille mieux.

Without A Trace
4.01 - "Showdown"
Original airdate on CBS: 09/29/05
Transcribed from CBS

Written by: DAVID ARMANN
Directed by: JOHN F. SHOWALTER

Transcribed for www.twiztv.com by Elise B.
Contact the transcriptionist at [email protected]

"WITHOUT A TRACE" and other related entities are owned, (TM) and (c) by JERRY BRUCKHEIMER Television, CBS Productions, and Warner Bros. Television (an AOL Time Warner Company). All Rights Reserved. This transcript was made without their permission, approval, authorization or endorsement. For Fair Use, for entertainment and for educational purposes only. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of this material in any form is expressly prohibited. It is absolutely forbidden to use it for commercial gain.
The fourth season opens where the third left off, as Martin and Danny are ambushed by Dornvald. In the shootout, Martin is critically wounded, leaving Jack, Sam and Danny to search for the mercenary.


ANTHONY LAPAGLIA: (v.o.) Previously, on Without A Trace.

(from 3.23 - "Endgame")

[Int: hospital room]

VIVIAN: You said that during the surgery, my heart would be stopped.

DOCTOR: You don't want it beating when I'm in there trying to cut.

VIVIAN: So for that hour, I'll be dead.

[Int: Paige Hobson's office - day]

(PAIGE HOBSON gets her bag and leaves the office and vanishes.)

SAMANTHA: (v.o.) Paige Hobson. A stranger shows up at her office, and she disappears.

[Ext: sidewalk outside African embassy - day]

(JACK approaches EMIL DORNVALD.)

JACK: And you are?

DORNVALD: I'm Emil Dornvald. Security attache for General Gamba.

JACK: What is your interest in Paige Hobson?

DORNVALD: Our counter intelligence has identified her as having close ties to Adisa Teno. Teno is part of a terrorist group, the MLF, that may be plotting an attempt on General Gamba's life.

[Int: Jeraf Holdings Warehouse - day]


PAIGE HOBSON: You told me the money was for oppposition candidates; for relief supplies.

ADISA TENO: Sending rice is not the solution.

[Int: Jeraf Holdings Warehouse - day]

(JACK and other agents arrest ADISA TENO.)

JACK: FBI! Freeze! FBI! Put your hands in the air!

[Int: Train Station - day]

(PAIGE HOBSON finds a picture of her dead friend sent to her phone.)

DORNVALD: (on the phone) I just sent you something. Adisa is under arrest. I want names, faces, locations of the other MLF members.

[Ext: African embassy - day]

JACK: (v.o.) We just made Paige Hobson.

(MARTIN and SAMANTHA run towards PAIGE with guns drawn.)

MARTIN: She's got a gun. Hey! Drop the gun! Drop it!

(PAIGE pulls a gun out of her bag and shoots General Gamba.)

[Int: FBI offices - interview room - night]

SAMANTHA: You don't seem like the type

PAIGE HOBSON: I'm not. Adisa says there's a moment that makes people take action. I guess that was my moment.

[Int: FBI offices - hallway - night]

(ADISA is escorted onto the elevator with MARTIN and DANNY. As the doors close, PAIGE is led past in handcuffs. The two stare at each other, but say nothing.)

[Ext: New York city streets - night]

(DANNY and MARTIN transport ADISA TENO. DANNY answers his phone.)

DANNY: Taylor.

JACK: Hey, it's me. I'm at the hospital. Viv's okay. She made it through. Just thought you guys would like to know.

DANNY: Thanks a lot for the call.

(A blue van pulls in front of their car at the light, blocking their progress.)

MARTIN: Come on, man, let's go. Green light. (He honks the horn.)

(DANNY glances over at him with a smile on his face.)

(DORNVALD and another man jump out of the back of the van, with guns drawn.)

(ADISA and MARTIN glance up in alarm)



[Ext: New York city street - night]

(Exactly where we left off, the two men begin shooting at the car. MARTIN and DANNY dive down in their seats.)

DANNY: Get down! Get down!

MARTIN: Hang on!

(MARTIN manages to get the car in gear and accelerates forward, pinning the SHOOTER against the back of the van. DORNVALD runs out of the way.)

DANNY: Back, back, back!

(As MARTIN reverses away from the van, DORNVALD begins shooting again.)

DANNY: Easy, easy.

(DORVALD shoots out one of the tires. MARTIN spins the wheel, causing the car to slam sideways into the parked car behind it. DANNY is thrown against the window. The car stills, steaming, as DORNVALD watches from a distance. Both agents appear to be unconscious, though DANNY is slightly gasping for breath.)

(ADISA kicks open the back door of the car and climbs out, still handcuffed, falling to his knees on the pavement. He looks defiantly up at DORNVALD, who approaches and shoots him repeatedly.)

(DANNY jerks to consciousness, gets the door open, and rolls down behind the car. Gun drawn, he begins shooting at DORNVALD, who dives out of the way. The driver of the van emerges, shooting at DANNY, who returns fire and kills him. DANNY's gun locks up and he struggles to reload, giving DORNVALD opportunity to run towards the van and drive away.)

(DANNY fires at the fleeing van, then rushes back to the car, intent to pursue. He stops in shock at MARTIN, who is gasping for air, his shirt soaked with blood. MARTIN slowly attempts to raise his head to look at DANNY, but can't quite do it.)

DANNY: Martin? Martin?

(MARTIN can't respond, except to continue gasping in pain.)





[Ext: New York city street - night]

(Jack pulls up in his car with the siren on. He runs past a cop car and an ambulance to where MARTIN is lying on the ground beside his car, DANNY kneeling beside him. They have obviously made an attempt to put pressure on the wounds, but there is blood everywhere. The EMTs work on him.)

FEMALE EMT: GSW to chest and stomach. He get hit anywhere else?

DANNY: I don't know.

JACK: How long's he been unconscious?

DANNY: Jack, he's bleeding a lot.

FEMALE EMT: His breathing's labored. Let's scoop and run. (to DANNY) Sir, we'll take him from here.

JACK: Where are you taking him?

FEMALE EMT: To St. Luke's.

JACK: No, not for a gunshot wound. Take him to St. Vincent's, they're the number one trauma center, okay? And I want notification.

FEMALE EMT: Will do. We got it from here. (to DANNY) Okay? Sir, we've got it from here.

(The EMTs move in to move MARTIN. JACK helps DANNY to his feet, and tries to lead him away.)

JACK: Ok. Danny, Danny. Come here.

DANNY: (Protesting) Jack.

JACK: Danny.

DANNY: Jack. (He makes an attempt to wipe off his hands, which are covered in blood. He's also bleeding from the temple where he slammed into the car window.)

JACK: Come on. Let them do their job.

FEMALE EMT: Get me that board. You have his head?

(JACK finally leads DANNY away from MARTIN.)

JACK: You sure it was Dorvald?

DANNY: Yeah. And that guy over there. Dornvald took off in a blue van. I got his plates. I called them in. But, Jack, my gun got jammed. I reloaded, I took a shot, but I...

JACK: Ok, ok.

DANNY: We're going to go kill that son of a bitch.

JACK: You know what, you need medical attention, okay?

DANNY: Jack, I'm fine.

JACK: You want to help me? Go with Martin. Go get cleared by a doctor so you can come back and work with the case.

(The EMTs lift MARTIN up on the stretcher. His neck is secured in a brace. He's not moving. DANNY climbs into the ambulance and helps to load the stretcher.)

FEMALE EMT: One, two, three.

DANNY: Come on. Come on!

MALE EMT: Alright, we're locked.

(The ambulance drives away with MARTIN and DANNy, as JACK observes from the street.)

MALE EMT: Hold still.

(JACK glances over to see the EMTs working on the SHOOTER who was hit by the car. He strides over.)

MALE EMT: Relax. Just relax. It'll be alright.

JACK: Take a walk.

MALE EMT: Sir, we need to take this man to a hospital.

JACK: I said, take a walk.

MALE EMT: What is your problem?

(JACK ignores him and questions the SHOOTER.)

JACK: Where's Dornvald?

(The SHOOTER looks hatefully at him, but says nothing.)

JACK: Where's Dornvald?

(Still with no response, JACK steps on the man's leg where he has been shot. The shooter grimaces in pain.)

JACK: Where's Dornvald? Where is he?

SHOOTER: Valhalla.

JACK: Valhalla? What does that mean? What does it mean?

MALE EMT: Okay. That's enough. That's enough! I'm taking this guy right now.

JACK: He's all yours.

(As JACK walks away from the shooter, SAMANTHA approaches, looking shaken.)

SAMANTHA: Jack! How bad is it?

JACK: Danny's okay, but Martin's bad. He's on his way to the hospital, they're doing everything they can for him. Look, I need you to follow this. I need help with Dornvald.

(As he's speaking, SAMANTHA glances around the scene. She takes in the car full of bullet holes and the pile of bloody rags used to stop MARTIN's bleeding.)

JACK: Sam!

SAMANTHA: (Realizing she's not listening) Yeah?

JACK: I need help.

SAMANTHA: Okay. What can I do?

JACK: I need you put out an alert at all train stations and all airports. I think this guy's going to try to skip the country.

SAMANTHA: Alright. Ah, I'll, I'll put out stop notices and make sure all the tv stations have his picture.

JACK: Okay. Do a background check on Dornvald. Find out all the information you can. ID check on the shooters. And see if the word Valhalla comes up anywhere.

SAMANTHA: Why Valhalla?

JACK: It's where the shooter said he might go. (She nods.) You also need to get Paige Hobson into FBI custody. She could be a possible target.


(JACK watches her worriedly for a moment, then walks off. SAMANTHA glances around again at the scene, then also turns to go.)


[Int: St. Vincent's Hospital - night]

(MARTIN is intubated and has an IV, as the doctors and nurses apply pressure to the wounds and try to stablize him.)

(Across the room, DANNY sits on a hosptial bed, being checked out by another doctor. The doctor attempts to check DANNY's eyes with a flashlight, but DANNY continues glancing at MARTIN, clearly annoyed to be kept away from the progress of his friend.)

DOCTOR: Sir. Can you hold still please? You banged your head pretty hard. We may need to keep you overnight.


DOCTOR: Possible head trauma. I'm going to order up a CT scan. (DANNY wrenches his head out of doctor's grasp. The doctor looks annoyed.) Be back in a second.

(DANNY looks over to see the doctors rolling MARTIN away. He gets up to talk to the surgeon who was working on him.)

DANNY: Where are you taking him?

SURGEON: We got him stable enough to send him up to surgery.

DANNY: How long's he going to be in there?

SURGEON: It could be a while. One of the bullets came dangerously close to an artery. Another nicked the small intestine. It's not good. Now, please.

(DANNY looks like he's going to be sick. The surgeon leaves in the same direction MARTIN was taken. DANNY's phone rings.)

DANNY: Taylor.


[Int: FBI offices - bullpen - night]

SAMANTHA: Danny, hey. How is he?

DANNY: He just went into surgery, Sam.


DANNY: You know these doctors, you can never get a straight answer out of them. BUt, they, they seem positive.


DANNY: Any news on your end?

SAMANTHA: Yeah. We IDed the shooter. He's from Special Forces. He worked as a mercenary in Chad with Dornvald.

DANNY: Is he talking?

SAMANTHA: He never made it to the hospital.

DANNY: Okay, where's Jack?

SAMANTHA: Makeban consulate.


[Ext: African embassy - front entrance - night]

(ISAIAH NURU is giving a press conference)

NURU: I am Isaiah Nuru, counselor general and I wish to make a brief statement. It is now clear that the assassination of General Gamba was part of a plot to destabilize Makeba, for within hours of his death, rebels staged an uprising that was crushed by government forces.

(JACK approaches the cluster of reporters surrounding the consulate. A security guard attempts to block his approach.)

JACK: Back off, Shaquille.

NURU: (continuing) It was, of course, the outlawed MLF that was behind this failed coup. The people of Makeba mourn the loss of our beloved General. But with our sorrow comes determination to bring all those responsible for his murder to justice. Thank you.

REPORTERS: Sir! Sir, just a question.

(NURU walks away from the microphone and back towards the consulate gate, where he is stopped by JACK, who shows his badge.)

JACK: Special agent Jack Malone, from the FBI.

NURU: How special can you be? As I understand it, the FBI failed to prevent the General's murder.

JACK: That's absolutely true. But it appears that you got even.

NURU: Please explain that remark.

JACK: Adisa Teno was behind General Gamba's assassination. Now he's dead.

NURU: Adisa Teno is dead?

JACK: Emil Dornvald was the shooter. Where is he?

NURU: I have no idea.

JACK: He's the head of General Gamba's security and you have no idea. When was the last time you saw him?

NURU: This afternoon. BUt by the time he arrived, it was far too late.


[Ext: street outside the consulate - day]

(Immediately after Gamba was shot. DORNVALD pushes through the crowds to approach NURU.)

DORNVALD: How did this happen?

NURU: A girl shot him. A girl.

DORNVALD: Paige Hobson.

NURU: You know her?

DORNVALD: She did it for Adisa Teno.

NURU: You knew this and didn't stop her.

DORNVALD: I didn't think she was a threat sir.

NURU: Well done. Now the leader of our country is dead, because of you.

DORNVALD: Adisa Teno will pay.

NURU: I cannot even look at you.


NURU: He called me moments later, insisting he would kill Adisa Teno. I made it clear that he was to do no such thing. And then I told him never to return. That his employment here was terminated.

JACK: So what? He just decided to kill Teno himself?

NURU: Perhaps it was a misguided attempt to get back in my good graces.

JACK: Yeah, well, he certainly went the extra mile, didn't he?

NURU: Make no mistake, the Makeban government strongly condemns his actions.

JACK: Yeah, well before the Makeban government was strongly condemning his actions, where were you putting him up?

NURU: At the Carson Hotel.

JACK: Pretty nice digs for a killer.

NURU: Mr. Dornvald was acting alone.

JACK: Better hope he was, or I guarantee you're going to see me again.


[Int: FBI offices - interview room - night]

(PAIGE HOBSON sits at the table, as SAMANTHA walks in and sits down.)

PAIGE HOBSON: What's going on? Why did you guys bring me back here?

SAMANTHA: We need to ask you a few more questions.

PAIGE HOBSON: I already confessed. I shot Gamba. What else is there to say?

SAMANTHA: What did Adisa tell you about Emil Dornvald?

PAIGE HOBSON: Just that he was dangerous. And he is. I mean, he killed my friend Julia for no reason, except to get back at me.

SAMANTHA: Did he tell you where Dornvald came from, where he lived, anything?

PAIGE HOBSON: Why are you asking me this?

SAMANTHA: Did the word Valhalla ever come up?

PAIGE HOBSON: No. What is this about?

SAMANTHA: Adisa's dead.

PAIGE HOBSON: What? But I just saw him. He's in your custody.

SAMANTHA: He was being transferred. There was an ambush.


SAMANTHA: We're trying to find him, Paige.

PAIGE HOBSON: Well, I don't know anything more than what I've told you. I wish I did.

SAMANTHA: (She gets up to leave the room.) I want you to keep thinking about it. Maybe something else will come to you.

PAIGE HOBSON: Did Adisa suffer?

SAMANTHA: (stopping at the door) No. I'm very sorry for your loss, Paige.

(As SAMANTHA exits the interview room and continues out into the hallway, she runs into VICTOR FITZGERALD, who was observing PAIGE through the glass. While looking slightly surprised, she greets him with a handshake.)

SAMANTHA: Director Fitzgerald. Special Agent Samantha Spade.

vICTOR FITZGERALD: Oh, of course. Martin told us about you. (SAMANTHA nods, unsure exactly what that might mean.)

SAMANTHA: Any word from the hospital?

vICTOR FITZGERALD: He's still in surgery. His mother is there with him, monitoring things. I felt that this was where I could be most effective.

SAMANTHA: Right, I understand.

vICTOR FITZGERALD: Can she shed any light on this Dornvald individual?

SAMANTHA: Not yet. But we are working every angle, and I assure you sir, we will find him.

vICTOR FITZGERALD: Where's Agent Malone?

SAMANTHA: Out in the field. I can contact...

vICTOR FITZGERALD: (interrupting) No, thank you. I can track him down myself.

(He turns abrubtly and walks away down the hall, leaving SAMANTHA to stare after him.)


[Int: DORVALD's room at the Carson Hotel - night]

(Jack enters, leaving the door slightly open behind him. Jack looks around the room, which is nearly spotless. There are weights on the floor. JACK imagines DORNVALD doing pushups in the hotel room.)

(Jack opens a drawer in the dresser. The stacks of clothes are laundered and neatly grouped. Underneath them, Jack finds a picture of a woman on a sailboat. He turns when he hears someone clearing their throat. It is the CONCIERGE.)

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Agent Malone. I'm OWen, with guest services. I'm told you have questions.

JACK: Yeah. When's the last time Mr. Dornvald was here?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): He's been a guest for two months, but I haven't seen him in about a week. (indicating the drawer) Would you mind closing that, please?

JACK: You know him well?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): I handle all our long-term guests. Knowing them is part of my job.

JACK: So where's he been for the last week?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): I really couldn't say.

JACK: I thought part of your job was knowing your guests. Does he have a girlfriend?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Sir, you're asking me personal details about a guest of the hotel that I'm not at liberty to discuss.

JACK: Stop jerking me around! The man's a terrorist and a killer. Now, what do you know?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): He approached me a few weeks ago. I found it quite awkward.


[Int: Carson Hotel lobby - night]

(DORNVALD approaches the concierge's desk.)

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Mr. Dornvald. How are you finding New York?

DORNVALD: Lonely. Very lonely indeed.

CONCIERGE (OWEN): I'm very sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do?

DORNVALD: You're a man of the world. Where might one turn for a little female companionship, you know?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Well, I can recommend some very hot clubs in the area.

DORNVALD: I had in mind something a bit more private. Money's no object.

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Oh. I see. Sir, I don't think I can really help you with that.

DORNVALD: She should be beautiful and she must be black. (He puts down a few hundred dollar bills on the table.)

CONCIERGE (OWEN): (He hesitates, then pockets the money.) Let me see what I can do.


CONCIERGE (OWEN): So, I set him up. I think he's been seeing her ever since.

JACK: (showing him the picture from the dresser) This her?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): I don't know who that is.

JACK: What's the hooker's name?


JACK: Lila what?

CONCIERGE (OWEN): Lila Greene.


[Int: Carson Hotel lobby - night]

walks towards the stairwell, and sees JACK)

DANNY: Jack!

JACK: You done at the hospital already?

DANNY: Yeah. Doctor checked me out, said I'm good to go.

JACK: (clearly skeptical) You're good to go?

DANNY: Yeah.

JACK: That was quick.

DANNY: Yeah. Where we going?

JACK: We're looking for a hooker.


[Ext: New York city street - night - stock]

[Int: apartment building/hotel hallway]

(DANNY and JACK make their way down the hallway towards LILA GREENE's apartment.)

JACK: Makes sense, him hooking up with this girl. Gives him a safehouse in case something goes bad.

DANNY: Hey. Tech just sent me Lila's DMV photo.

JACK: Looks expensive.

DANNY: Yeah.

(DANNY gets out his gun. JAck glances at him appraisingly.)

JACK: Easy tiger.

(They reach the end of the hall and the room they were heading for. JACK opens the door with a key. They carefully swing the door open to reveal a quiet apartment and the body of a woman on the floor. DANNY heads in first to clear the scene.)

DANNY: Clear.

JACK: Clear.

(They approach the body of the dead woman.)

JACK: Not a hundred percent sure, but it looks like she had her neck snapped.




[Int: LILA GREENE'S apartment - night]

(DANNY approaches JACK from the doorway.)

DANNY: Jack. Just spoke to the doorman. Her name is Melanie Marsden. She's Lila's roommate. She just got back from Europe. Doorman said he let her in right around 10, and a guy matching Dornvald's description walked out a couple minutes later, and he was carrying a big metal suitcase.

JACK: That would place him here just before the ambush.

DANNY: Yeah.

JACK: She must have walked in on him while he was prepping for the hit.

(JACK looks across the room to where there is a mark in the carpet left from DORNVALD's case. He imagines DORNVALD there, going through the case.)

LILA GREENE: What's going on here?

(Both agents turn to see LILA GREENE standing in the doorway of the apartment.)

LILA GREENE: Who the hell are you?


LILA GREENE: (Finally seeing the body) Melanie? Melanie? No! Melanie. No. Oh, my god.

DANNY: Shhh. Come on. It's going to be okay.

(DANNY forcibly takes her out of the room.)


[Int: LILA GREENE's apartment - night]

(LILA, DANNY, and JACK all sit in her apartment. LILA has calmed down, but is still clearly upset.)

LILA GREENE: Who would do something like this?

DANNY: Do you know this guy?

LILA GREENE: Yes. His name is Edward Drake.

JACK: Did you ever tell him you had a roommate?

LILA GREENE: There was no reason to. She wasn't due back for another month. We had a house rule: no clients allowed. But the money was right, and with Mel out of town...

JACK: Did you ever see Mr. Drake with a metal suitcase?

LILA GREENE: He left it here. Said he didn't want to leave it at the hotel.

JACK: What else can you tell me about him?

LILA GREENE: He didn't talk much about himself. He said he was in the military.

JACK: You spent over a week with this guy, doing god knows what. Surely he told you more than that.

LILA GREENE: Just once.


[Int: LILA's apartment - night]

(LILA and DORNVALD are sitting on the bed, talking.)

DORNVALD: Do you ever think about quitting?

LILA GREENE: I don't mind the work.

DORNVALD: You're still young.

LILA GREENE: And what are you? An old man?

DORNVALD: For a soldier. I enlisted at 17. It's the only life I've ever known. I used to imagine I was protected by invisible armor bullets couldn't penetrate. All the things I saw and did would roll off me like rain on glass. I regret it now.

LILA GREENE: Sounds like maybe you should quit.

DORNVALD: I wanted to. For years. I even found a place to settle down.

LILA GREENE: So why are you here?

DORNVALD: My nest egg isn't what it needs to be. But my fee from this job will take care of all that.


JACK: So, this job he was talking about. Did he ever mention somebody called Adisa?

LILA GREENE: He didn't tell me.

JACK: Did he talk about Valhalla?

DANNY: So you have no idea where he wants to settle down? Nothing?

LILA GREENE: He just said that it was someplace where he worked, a couple of years ago.


[Int: FBI offices - bullpen - day]

(SAMANTHA sits at her desk, updating DANNY and JACK on her progress.)

SAMANTHA: Okay, in the past few years, Dornvald has worked as a mercenary in nine different countries.

JACK: Any reference to Valhalla come up?

SAMANTHA: I checked. I even checked the word's origin. It's from Norse mythology. It means "heaven for warriors".

DANNY: I have a feeling this guy's not going to heaven.

JACK: If Dornvald's looking to retire after one last job, this photo would suggest that he might look for somewhere coastal.

DANNY: Well, that rules out Afghanistan, Paraguay, Libya.

JACK: Yeah, Iraq's pretty much out of the picture.

SAMANTHA: What about Burma? He was a military advisor there in 2004.

DANNY: Yeah, it says here that he went to Thailand twice last year during tourist season.

JACK: Well, let's check out southeast Asia.

(Another agent approaches their group.)

MALE AGENT: Jack. Deputy Director Fitzgerald wants to see you.

JACK: Okay. Um, check all flights booked to the region in the last six hours. Probably paid cash.

(He leaves the bullpen. Samantha searches on her computer.)

SAMANTHA: Got a flight. JFK to Bangkok. Booked five hours ago by an Edward Drake.

DANNY: Edward Drake. That's that name that Dornvald gave Lila Greene.


[Int: FBI offices - private office - day]

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Come in Jack. Alex Olcheck was nice enough to give me some room here.

JACK: Victor, I'm really sorry about Martin. We're doing everything we can for him.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: I want you to know I'm taking an active role in this investigation.

JACK: Yes, I would do the same.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: This is Ted Bains from Homeland Security. Ted wants to have a few words with you. I thought I would sit in on the meeting.

JACK: Seems fair.

TED BAINS: First of all, let me say that our prayers are with you guys. It's a terrible thing whenever an agent gets hurt trying to do his job.

JACK: Why do I feel like there's a "but" coming?

TED BAINS: But, I don't think anything is gained by harassing Mr. Nuru. Makeba is an ally in the war on terror. A friend.

JACK: We should raise our standards.

TED BAINS: Let's agree. We all want Dornvald. My point is our odds of getting him are greater if the Makebans are on our side.

JACK: I thought you just said they are on our side. You just said they're our friends.

TED BAINS: They've expressed an interest in Paige Hobson.

JACK: In what sense?

TED BAINS: They feel she should stand trail for General Gamba's murder. In Makeba. They have a case. Technically, she did kill him on African soil.

JACK: And in exchange for Paige, Nuru's offered you what? To help find Dornvald? Is that it? What? (incredulous, to Victor) And you support this?

VICTOR FITZGERALD: I think it's worth exploring.

JACK: Paige Hobson is a US citizen. You extridite her to Makeba and her trial will consist of being tied to a pole and shot.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: We'll take that into consideration. That will be all.

(JACK looks frustrated, but recognizes an order when he hears one. He shakes his head, and leaves the office and returns to the bullpen, where he approaches SAMANTHA and DANNY at a conference table.)

JACK: Sam, I want you get as much information as you can on Isaiah Nuru. Let's put him under surveillance.

SAMANTHA: You think he knows where Dornvald is?

JACK: He's in it up to his eyeballs.

DANNY: Jack, we think Dornvald booked a ticket to Bangkok right before he ambushed us.

SAMANTHA: Yeah, his plane left ten minutes ago. He wasn't on it.

JACK: You sure?

DANNY: (His phone rings. He grabs it and walks away from them.) Taylor. Yeah.

SAMANTHA: Yeah. He used an alias, so he wasn't on the manifest. We called the aircraft. They did a passenger inventory.

JACK: Something must have happened to make him change his plans.

DANNY: Thanks. (He hangs up.) NYPD just got a report of shots fired on Avenue C. There was a blue van involved.

JACK: Let's go.


[Ext: New York city street - day]

(JACK and DANNY pull up to a scene surrounded by police cars. They approach the officer at the scene, who stands next to DORNVALD's blue van.)

COP: Found the van here. Looks like he ditched it.

JACK: Any casualties on Avenue C?

COP: No. Just gunfire. If there were bodies, I would have heard.

DANNY: Jack. Come take a look at this. This is definitely Dornvald's van. Obviously somebody else is after this guy. Look at these bullet holes.

(The side of the van is riddled with bullet holes. Jack looks inside to find the driver's seat covered in blood and the window shattered.)

JACK: Looks like somebody got a piece of him. (to the cop) You got a picture of the perp?

COP: Me and every cop in the city.

JACK: When did the call come in from Avenue C?

COP: About twenty minutes ago.

JACK: That gives him a pretty decent head start. I want you to send officers to all the local hospitals. Set up check points about ten blocks out.

COP: You got it. (He heads back toward his car.)

JACK: What's the nearest hospital to here? St. Andrew's, right? About twenty blocks?

DANNY: There's a medical clinic a couple of blocks away from here.


[Int: Medical clinic - triage - day]

(JACK and DANNY approach the nurse at the window.)

JACK: Excuse me. We're with the FBI. Have you seen this man?

NURSE #1: I don't think so.

NURSE #2: Hey. Do you know where Dr. Klein is? Her patients are really stacking up and she's not answering her pages.

JACK: Who's the doctor you're looking for?

NURSE #2: Dr. Klein. I haven't seen her in, like, twenty minutes.


[Int: Medical clinic - hallway - continuous]

(NURSE #2 leads DANNy and JACK through the hallway of the clinic.)

DANNY: What does Dr. Klein look like?

NURSE #2: Blonde, cute, around thirty.

DANNY: Have you checked the kitchen? The stairwell?

NURSE #2: I've checked everywhere. It's just not like her.

(DANNY stops to indicate a closed door, of which the occupancy is indicated by a light above the door.)

JACK: What about this room?

NURSE #2: Well, no. When the little light's on, you just can't go barging in.

JACK: I want you to get everybody out of here.

NURSE #2: What's this about?

JACK: Do what I tell you. Go.

(They draw their guns, and carefully swing open the door, before checking out the room.)

JACK: It's clear.

(They continue down the hallway, guns out. Danny urges another nurse down the hall.)

DANNY: Get down.

(They reach another closed door. They swing the door open, to reveal a girl and her mother. Danny waves them quickly out of the room and toward the exit.)

JACK: Go, go, go.

(The next closed door they swing open to reveal DORNVALD and DR. KLEIN. DORNVALD immediately begins shooting as the door swings shut. DANNY rolls to face the door, firing once, then moving across to where JACK is standing. JACK pushes him against the wall with one arm.)

JACK: Geesh! What are you doing? (Making sure DANNY isn't going to do anything else stupid, JACK turns his attention back to the door.) Dornvald? Come out. You can't go anywhere. Send the doctor out.

(The door opens. They put their guns up, but it is just DR. KLEIN.)

DR. KLEIN: He ran out.

(She indicates in the direction of another door.)

JACK: You okay?

(She nods. The patient's chair is bloody, and there are bloody instruments on the table.)

(JACK and DANNY continue through the other door, which leads to another corridor and the exit.)

JACK: We should call dispatch. Get another unit sent down here. Try not to shoot anyone. Can you handle that?




[Int: Medical clinic - day]

(JACK enters the lobby/triage and meets up with DANNY.)

DANNY: Look. I overreacted. I'm sorry. I...

JACK: I want you out of here.

DANNY: I said I'm sorry.

JACK: Shut up. You know, you could have killed that doctor. I want you to go back to the office until I call. Just go.

(DANNY looks angrily at JACK, but says nothing, and leaves the clinic.)

(JACK walks down the hall to where DR. KLEIN is being comforted by a nurse. JACK sits down next to her.)

JACK: How you feeling?

DR. KLEIN: Like I could use a scotch.

JACK: Can you tell me what happened?

DR. KLEIN: I had just finished with a patient. I never even saw him coming.


[INT: Medical clinic - hallway - day]

(DR. KLEIN is talking with a patient as she leaves his room. She fills out his chart and places it in the holder on the door.)

DR. KLEIN: Make sure you take the pills for the full seven days. And call me next week, okay?

PATIENT: Thanks.

(As the door closes fully, DORNVALD grabs her arm and walks with her down the hall.)

DORNVALD: I have a gun, so do exactly as I say.

DR. KLEIN: You know, we don't keep drugs here.

DORNVALD: I don't need drugs. I need medical treatment. Where can we go that's private?

DR. KLEIN: Here.

(She leads him into an examination room. He checks outside to make sure no one is watching and closes the door carefully.)

(He sits down and takes out the gun.)

DORNVALD: Try not to be afraid.

DR. KLEIN: That's kind of asking a lot, don't you think?

(He lifts up his shirt to reveal the wound in his side.)

DR. KLEIN: Is that a gunshot wound? You have to go to a hospital. We can't handle that here.

DORNVALD: You have antiseptic? Forceps? Stitching material? (She nods) Then that's everything you need.

DR. KLEIN: But I can't. I, um, I've never done this before.

DORNVALD: There's a first time for everything.


JACK: While you were patching him up, did he say what he was going to do? Where he was going to go?

DR. KLEIN: Not to me. But he got a call.


[Int: medical clinic - examination room - day]

(DR. KLEIN is cleaning the blood from DORNVALD's side when his phone rings.)

DORNVALD: Hello? How am I? Well, an odd thing happened when I tried to collect my fee. A misunderstanding? I went to the rendezvous. Your men tried to shoot me. (to DR. KLEIN, who is drawing anesthetic.) No needles.

DR. KLEIN: This is just a local anesthetic. Trust me, you wanted to be numbed up.

DORNVALD: For all I know, that's a sedative. Do the procedure without it.

DR. KLEIN: Okay.

DORNVALD: (on phone) No, no. You listen. You offered me double to make him pay. I spilled more blood than I care to to keep my side of the bargain. I want my money, sir. One way or another, you will give it to me. I'll be in touch.

(DORNVALD grunts in pain as DR. KLEIN removes the bullet from the wound.)


DR. KLEIN: He never said the caller's name, so I don't know who he was talking to.


[Int: FBI offices - tech room - day]

(SAMANTHA enters. TY has the picture from DORNVALD's hotel room up on the computer.)

SAMANTHA: What's up? Do we know who she is yet?

TY: Still working on it. But we IDed the boat she's on. It's built by McCusker Yachts in New Zealand.

SAMANTHA: Okay. Let's get them on the phone. See if they can narrow down who owns it and where it is.

TY: I'll keep you posted.


(Samantha exits into the hallway, pulling out her cell phone as she does so.)

SAMANTHA: Yeah, hi. This is Special Agent Spade again. Yeah, no, you know, I've already left messages. I really need to talk to Dr. Ruggio. Well, what does that mean that he's still in surgery? Why is it taking so...(getting increasingly upset) Why won't anyone tell me what the hell is going on here? (She sees DANNY approach out of the corner of her eye.) Yeah, okay, thanks. (to DANNY) Hey. I thought you were with Jack.

DANNY: Yeah, he, uh, wanted me to come in here and help you out.


DANNY: Sam. Sam? He's going to be alright.

SAMANTHA: He's been in surgery for over five hours. (He moves as if to comfort her, but she puts up a hand to block him.) Nobody will tell me what is going on. I just... You know what? I just need a minute.

(Her voice begins to break, and she turns around and walks down the hall.)

DANNY: Okay.

(DANNY watches her go, looking like he's about to cry himself.)


[Ext: sidewalk outside the UN - day]

(ISAIAH NURU crosses the street with several large bodyguards. He is approached by JACK.)

JACK: Me again.

(NURU indicates that the bodyguards allow JACK nearer.)

JACK: Got business at the UN?

NURU: What brings you here, Agent Malone?

JACK: Expecting trouble?

NURU: The work of our new security chief.

JACK: Think they can protect you from your old security chief?

NURU: I don't know what you mean.

JACK: I think you do. You didn't fire Dornvald. In fact, you promised to pay him double for killing Adisa Teno.

NURU: That's absurd.

JACK: And when he went to collect, you tried to have him killed to cover up your tracks. Which explains why you hired the New York Giants defensive line.

NURU: It's an emotional time. Your agent was wounded. But, in truth, there is only one man responsible.

JACK: If Dornvald doesn't get you, I will.

NURU: It begins and ends with Dornvald, Agent Malone. If this isn't clear to you now, it soon will be. (He gets into his car.)

JACK: What's that supposed to mean?

NURU: (Through the open window.) You will get justice. And so will we.

(The car drives away, leaving JACK standing on the sidewalk, watching it go. He pulls out his cell phone.)


[Int: FBI offices - hallway - day]

(Two men, one of which is TED BAINS from Homeland Security, lead a handcuffed PAIGE HOBSON down the hallway toward the elevators. SAMANTHA chases after them.)

SAMANTHA: Hey! Hey! You need to stop right there. You have no authority to take this woman out of the building.

TED BAINS: Actually, I do. She waived extradition.

SAMANTHA: Paige, you agreed to this?

PAIGE HOBSON: I want Dornvald to pay for what he did. This is the way to get him.

SAMANTHA: Paige. Don't do this.

TED BAINS: I think we're done here.

(The elevator doors close in the face of a stunned SAMANTHA.)


[Int: FBI offices - private office - day]

VICTOR FITZGERALD: What do you want?

JACK: Paige Hobson.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: You can't have her. I accepted Nuru's offer.

JACK: That's going to get her killed.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: I wish you had felt some of the same concern for my son.

JACK: Victor, there is no way that I would have intentionally put your son in harm's way.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Why no SWAT escort? Why wasn't Martin wearing a vest?

JACK: Because I didn't think that my agents would be ambushed!

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Still, this happened on your watch.

JACK: And I'm doing everything I can to rectify it.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Well, I don't see any results, Jack.

JACK: Making a deal with Nuru isn't going to fix it.


JACK: And so do I, but he's just the trigger man.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: I've been assured he acted alone.

JACK: With all due respect, sir, you're being sold a bill of goods. Nuru ordered the hit. There is no way that they're giving us Dornvald. Not unless they deliver him dead.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: That is a possibility.


[Int: FBI offices - bullpen - day]

JACK: We've got to find Dornvald before Nuru does.

SAMANTHA: How is Nuru going to find Dornvald if we can't?

JACK: He's going to use the money he owes him to lure him out.

SAMANTHA: Dornvald won't go for that.

JACK: Yeah, he wants the money. I bet he's got a plan to get it.

SAMANTHA: Okay. When Dorvald gets backed into a corner, he targets people's loved ones. Right? Like he did to Paige when he killed her friend.

JACK: Does Nuru have any family in the U.S.?

SAMANTHA: I'll check.

(She goes back to her desk, as DANNY finishes a phone call at his desk.)

DANNY: Alright, thanks. (He hangs up and goes over to JACK.) I found Valhalla. Boat company made fifty-eight of these. Three of them are based in Thailand. (Indicating the printout in his hand) One of them is named Valhalla.

JACK: Great.

SAMANTHA: Nuru's got a son, William, in Boston, attending MIT. And we've got a phone number.


[FBI offices - bullpen - continuous]

(The agents sit at the conference table. SAMANTHA makes a call to WILLIAM NURU on the speaker phone.)


SAMANTHA: Yes, this is Special Agent Spade. I'm with the FBI. Could I speak to William Nuru, please?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: Wow. Um, no, he's not here.

SAMANTHA: Do you know where he is?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: He left for New York to see his dad.

SAMANTHA: Did he drive?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: No, I dropped him off at the bus station.

SAMANTHA: Do you know which bus he got on?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: I don't know, but he should be getting into New York right about now.

SAMANTHA: Does anyone else know he took this trip?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: Just you and the other guy who called.

SAMANTHA: (She glances worriedly at JACK.) Which other guy?

WILLIAM'S ROOMMATE: Some security dude from the consulate.

(The three agents exchange looks.)

JACK: Come on.

(JACK and DANNY get up from the table.)




[Ext: Port Authority Bus Terminal - day]

(DANNY and JACK pull up, along with several police cars. DANNY is on his cell phone.)

DANNY: Alright. Okay. Uh-huh. Thanks a lot. (He hangs up.) Jack, the bus got here five minutes early.

JACK: Alright. Seal off the building. What gate did the bus come in?

DANNY: 307.

(DANNY addresses the policemen gathered outside the Port Authority entrance, handing out ID printouts.)

DANNY: Okay. No one leaves the Port Authority without getting checked. We're looking for Emil Dornvald and William Nuru. Dornvald is armed and he's extremely dangerous. You got that?


[Int: Port Authority Bus Terminal]

(JACK runs up the elevator and around the crowds towards gate 307.)


[Ext: Port AUthority Bus Terminal - day]

(DANNY stands outside the main entrance, holding the printout of Dornvald and Nuru. He checks the crowds of people around him for a familiar face. He thinks he recognizes Dornvald in the crowd, and chases the guy. It's not Dornvald.)

GUY: Hey!

DANNY: Sorry, man.


[Int: Port Authority Bus Terminal - gate 307 - day]

JACK: (over the walkie-talkie) Danny, you got anything?

[Intercut with: Ext: Port Authority Bus Terminal - day]

DANNY: Nothing yet, you at the bus?

JACK: Yeah. People were still getting off when I got there. I think he's still here.

DANNY: You want me to send some bodies?

JACK: No. I don't want to spook him. I'll keep you posted.

DANNY: Alright, Jack.


[Int: Port Authority Bus Terminal - escalator - continuous]

(JACK scans the various floors of the building as he rides the escalator. He spots DORNVALD with WILLIAM NURU walking along the floor which he is about to reach. JACK gets off the escaltor and scans the crowd. He doesn't see them. He checks the emergency exit doors as he passes, but no luck. Finally, spotting a maintenance hallway, JACK heads that direction.)


[Ext: Port Authority Bus Terminal - rooftop parking garage - continuous]

(JACK opens the exit door with gun drawn. He sees DORNVALD and WILLIAM NURU walking away from him, their backs to him. He quietly moves into position, but the slamming of the door causes DORNVALD to swing around and see JACK. JACK runs behind a parked car as DORNVALD shoots.)

(DORNVALD drags WILLIAM NURU with him behind another parked car several cars down from JACK.)

DORNVALD: You're a persistent man.

JACK: Let the kid go. There's no way out.

DORNVALD: His life is the way out.

WILLIAM NURU: Please don't hurt me.

DORNVALD: Shut up.

JACK: What do you want?

DORNVALD: To leave.

JACK: It's never going to happen. And you can forget about Valhalla. We had the Thai police seize your boat. And your girlfriend? She's long gone, buddy. Come on! Come on, give it up. Give it up before the cavalry gets here and it gets a lot more complicated.

(JACK begins to move in DORNVALD's direction behind the line of cars.)

DORNVALD: By that time, I'll be gone.

JACK: I don't think so. This is going to end, right here, right now.

DORNVALD: Throw your gun on the ground.

JACK: You throw yours.

DORNVALD: If it's not on the ground by the time I count to three, I'll shoot the boy.

WILLIAM NURU: Do as he asks!

JACK: You know, there's no way that I can give up my weapon.

DORNVALD: And you know I'm not bluffing. Do you want his blood on your hands? It's up to you. One! TWo!

WILLIAM NURU: Please don't let him do this to me.


(JACK throws his walkie-talkie out onto the pavement. DORNVALD is temporarily distracted, until he realizes that it isn't the gun. JACK moves up to fire through the window of the car behind which DORNVALD is hiding. DORNVALD goes down.)


[Ext: Port Authority Bus Terminal - street entrance - continuous]

(Down on the street, DANNY hears the gunfire from the roof. He runs into the building.)

DANNY: (to the police) Come on! Come on, let's go!


[Ext: Port Authority Bus Terminal - rooftop parking garage - continuous]

(JACK comes around the car, keeping his gun trained on DORNVALD on the ground. WILLIAM NURU is still standing there, shocked.)

JACK: Get out of here. Go, go.

(WILLIAM NURU runs in the other direction across the roof.)

JACK: Drop the gun. Just drop it.

(DORNVALD lies on the ground, bleeding, but still holding onto his gun.)

DORNVALD: Then what?

JACK: I want Nuru. You help me get him, I'll work something out.

DORNVALD: I stayed in this game a bit too long.

JACK: Just drop the gun. Drop it.

(DANNY and the police approach from the other direction, surrounding the body of DORNVALD.)

DORNVALD: It's what you would do?

JACK: No, it's not.

DORNVALD: You're a soldier. You understand.

JACK: Just drop the gun, please. Drop it.

(DORNVALD brings the gun up to aim at JACK. JACK fires into his chest, killing him. DANNY holsters his weapon, and looks over at JACK.)


[Int: FBI offices - private office - day]

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Was it a good shoot?

JACK: There's no such thing.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: Nuru's fled the country.

JACK: We could still file charges. Get the ball rolling.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: I didn't get much traction with that idea. I was told there are bigger issues, whatever that means.

JACK: I want Paige Hobson.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: (He nods.) I'll have Ted Bains get her to you.

JACK: Thank you. I hear Martin's coming through.

VICTOR FITZGERALD: (He smiles.) Yeah. His vital signs are getti

Kikavu ?

Au total, 27 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

08.02.2021 vers 12h

18.10.2019 vers 22h

05.02.2018 vers 17h

26.11.2017 vers 22h

31.10.2016 vers 18h

04.10.2016 vers 20h

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schumi  (26.11.2017 à 22:44)
Martin est vraiment dans de sales draps, Dany est dévasté et cette nouvelle saison s'annonce palpitante.


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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